Get a clearer overview of your orders​

We have developed several functions that allow you to follow the product from order to delivery and ensure that you always have full control over your clinic's order processes. With Clinic2Lab, you get an efficient tool that helps you manage your order processes. ​From easy order creation and a complete overview of the status to a reliable delivery. The system makes it easier for you to run a clinic and deliver the best treatment to your patients.

Here's how Clinic2Lab makes it easier for you to keep track:​

Easy order creation

With Clinic2Lab, you can easily create and send orders to the dental laboratory with a few clicks. You can clarify specifications and requests regarding dentures, crowns, bridges and other custom-made dental products.

Digital overview of order status

Follow your orders from start to finish with a digital overview. You can easily track the status of your submitted orders and get information about when the laboratory has started the order, completed, and sent it back to the clinic. This allows you to schedule your appointments with patients more precisely. 

Delivery date and price estimate when creating the order

By creating a digital order form, you can see the delivery date and get a price estimate directly from the selected dental laboratory. This gives you clear information when creating the order. 

Automatic and integrated courier service

We offer an automatic and affordable courier service that is integrated into the system for both dental clinics and dental laboratories. You can choose your preferred courier and easily arrange delivery of your orders.

Effective search function

Our system is equipped with a user-friendly search function that makes it easy for you to find information about a specific order. 

Flexibility between clinics

If you have several clinics, you can easily have impressions collected at one clinic and have the finished work delivered to another. This gives you flexibility and convenience in your practice.

Overview to the receptionist

With Clinic2Lab, you have the option of creating different types of logins. With a clinic login, the receptionist can easily access all dentists' orders as well as expected return dates from the selected laboratory. By using a group login, you get an overall administrative overview of digital orders across several clinics. Group login is particularly advantageous for dental chains that want to use Clinic2Lab.


Clinic2Lab Online
​CVR: 40217304​

​Telephone: +45 88 44 44 96

Inge Lehmanns Gade 10

8000 Århus C, Denmark
​- Click for directions